Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Behold! The Space Needle!

Ah, the Space Needle, Seattle's finest attraction. It looked pretty tall walking up to it. I tried really hard to compare it to the CN Tower in Toronto that I saw when I was in 6th grade, but couldn't remember how tall it was. Alex, however, informed me that the CN tower was quite taller than the Space Needle, intriguing. Anyway, $15 later, I was at the top of the beast, looking upon my new kingdom with eager eyes. I should note that the elevator girl was a Broncos fan, after seeing my hat, she let everyone know that the Broncos were the best football team, and that I was proof of that fact. Looking around everywhere was pretty cool, but not quite the thrill I was seeking. It was actually more interesting trying to get there for the first time than actually being there. All in all, it was a good day.

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