Friday, June 30, 2006

I Burn You

I would really help me out a lot if I knew who was actually reading this site. I made it so that you don't have to register to comment (I think), so feel free to leave some comments. So far I only know of two people who read and visit frequently, If there are any more out there, raise your hands!


Anonymous said...

The flames on that match seem confused. I dont know which way is up. Maybe gravity points in 2 different directions at the opposite ends of the match?

Anonymous said...

wow, brandon hoff, that is pretty deep! Smoke another one!

Derek Bigelow said...

Haha yea Brandon. I got to your stash while you were on vacation. I had to air out the apartment and buy a 6 pack of fabreze.

Anonymous said...

Thats not funny Derek!!! You little weeny, no wonder you are sooo strange! HAHAHAHAHA!! Love ya