Thursday, July 20, 2006

The Adventures of Bimodal Bigelow

I've been enamored by the emphasis put behind the use of bicycles in every day life here. There are bike trails everywhere, many people ride their bikes to work, and even more just for recreation. I always thought I was a good rider. I used to ride to work at McDonalds back in the day, and even on my off days, I would go here, there, and everywhere on my Dad's old Schwinn. So, you can understand that when I saw everyone riding their bikes around so freely when I'm stuck to the stopsigns and pedestrian crossings of the road, I set out to find me a bicycle. After checking out a few stores in my area, ones that only specialized in selling new bikes and parts, I decided to check out Recycled Cycles, a used bike store downtown that had new and used bikes and parts.

When I went in, I immediately fell in love with one bike inparticular, a navy blue Cannondale. From what I know of Cannondale, they make pretty good bikes, as told to me by my old baseball coach who was an avid rider himself. While it's only a Cannondale frame, the other parts are very respectable, a mix of Shimano and Mavic.

It rides great, and is a perfect height for me. I do, although have to adjust the seat up a bit, becuase of my long legs. When I first rode, it felt like I was riding a bmx becuase my legs almost came up 90 degrees. The ride height on my old bike was really high, which kept me from tiring out too fast, which I did on my first time out on my new bike. I ended up getting a helmet and a bottle holder too. I didn't want to be the only shmuck in Washington without a bike helmet. Besides, if I were to actually fall down, a helmet wouldn't be such a bad idea.


Anonymous said...

That's a pretty sweet bike mad. You need to add some pegs, a basket and some streamers on the handles. Then it would be supafly!

Anonymous said...

I love the bike, Derek. It does kinda remind me of the old schwinn. What did you do with that anyway?? Well, I really hope that you don't fall down and break your front tooth right in half and then 17 years later have to have it repaired again. Good Luck, luv ya!

Derek Bigelow said...

The Schwinn is still at Grandmas, which I need you to go pick up and put in your garage because Grandpa might want it out of the garage. PLEASE!

Oh, and if you still are holding on to the belief that it was my fault you broke your tooth, you are quite mistaken. It was a fair race, and rubbin is racing!

Anonymous said...

well, yeah rubbin is racing, but sometimes it will get you black flagged...stay tuff little man!